Why You Need Life Insurance – Protect Your Family


Life insurance is a great tool that many individuals overlook when thinking about their financial plan. If you have children or anyone that is dependent on your income, you must prioritize maintaining life insurance. While experts may recommend different amounts or types of life insurance, I plan to break down a few ways for you to prepare yourself and talk about the type of life insurance I think is most helpful for the most individuals.


Life insurance is an important tool that can help provide financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. There are several reasons why you might need life insurance, including:


“My husband and I work full time jobs and have two children. My husband makes far more money than I do, is it worth it for us to pay for life insurance for me?”

It is generally recommended that both working spouses have life insurance (even if one spouse is a stay-at-home parent), as the loss of either spouse’s income (or in home work) can have a significant financial impact on the surviving spouse and your children. The specific need for life insurance will vary depending on your individual circumstances, such as your income, debts, and age of your children. In addition, if your immediate family members have any medical conditions, you may wish to also calculate potential costs to manage their healthcare for a period of time. I encourage you to calculate how much term life insurance you’ll need based on the calculation methodologies listed below. It is important to consider these factors when deciding how much to purchase.

What Is The Difference Between Term And Permanent Life Insurance?

The decision between term life insurance and permanent life insurance depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

Term life insurance is typically the more affordable option and is best for those who need coverage for a specific period of time, such as when they have a mortgage or young children who would be financially dependent on them.

Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life and typically has higher premium costs. This type of insurance includes whole life insurance, universal life insurance and variable life insurance. They have a savings component and their cash value grows over time.


Permanent life insurance is works for those who want lifelong coverage and are willing to high premium costs for the potential cash value accumulation and the ability to borrow against it. In some situations it can be a good option for those who want to leave a legacy for their beneficiaries.

It’s important to consider your specific needs and goals when deciding between term and permanent life insurance. I recommend most individuals pursue term life insurance instead of permanent or universal life insurance for a few reasons. Term life policies are much more affordable than a universal life insurance policy. Imagine if you paid $50/month for term life insurance, but would have to pay $250/month for universal/permanent/whole life insurance. If you invest $200/month in low cost index funds and buy the term life insurance policy, you can protect yourself financially in the short-term and in the long-run.


Why Is Term Life Insurance Better Than Permanent Life Insurance?


Term life insurance is considered the best option for many people because it is the most affordable type of life insurance. It provides a death benefit for a specified period of time, typically 10, 20 or 30 years, and the premium is guaranteed to remain the same for the duration of the term. If the policyholder dies within the term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. If the policyholder outlives the term, the policy expires and no death benefit is paid. Term life insurance is a good option for individuals who have a limited budget, or who need coverage for a specific period of time, such as to cover a mortgage or to provide for children’s education. Saving and investing: One of the most common ways to achieve financial independence is through saving and investing a significant portion of one’s income. This can include setting up a budget, reducing expenses, and consistently contributing to a retirement account or investing in a diversified portfolio of assets.

Do I Need Life Insurance?


There are many different people who may benefit from term life insurance. Some examples include:

  • Individuals who have dependents, such as children or a spouse, who rely on their income. A term life insurance policy can provide financial support to those dependents in the event of the policyholder’s death.
  • People with mortgages or other large debts. A term life insurance policy can be used to pay off outstanding debts and provide financial stability for loved ones in the event of the policyholder’s death.
  • Business owners who want to provide protection for their partners or key employees, in the event of death.
  • Individuals who want to provide for their children’s education or other long-term expenses.
  • People who are concerned about leaving their loved ones with significant end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs.

It’s worth noting that term life insurance is not a permanent solution, and people’s needs and circumstances change over time. It’s important to periodically review your insurance coverage to ensure it still meets your needs.


Why Is Life Insurance Important?


Life insurance is important because it provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. It can help to pay for final expenses, such as funeral costs, and can also provide ongoing income for your family to help cover living expenses. Additionally, life insurance can also be used as a savings or investment tool, with some policies accumulating cash value over time. The death benefit of a life insurance policy can also be used to pay off mortgages, debts, and other financial obligations. Overall, life insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones when they need it most.

What Is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance that provides coverage for a specified period of time, usually between 10 and 30 years. If the policyholder dies during the term of the policy, the death benefit, which is the amount of money paid to the beneficiaries, will be paid out. If the policyholder does not die during the term of the policy, the policy will expire with no value.

One of the main advantages of term life insurance is that it is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of life insurance, such as whole life insurance. This is because it only provides coverage for a specific period of time, and therefore, the risk to the insurer is lower.

It is often used to provide financial protection for a specific period of time, such as the years when a person has a mortgage or other large debts, or when they have young children who would be financially dependent on them.

It is important to note that term life insurance does not build cash value and does not have any savings component. Also, the premium for term insurance increases as the policyholder ages.


How Much Term Life Insurance Do I Need?

The amount of term life insurance you need depends on a variety of factors, such as your income, debts, and the number of dependents you have. Here are a few general guidelines to help you determine how much coverage you may need:


It’s important to keep in mind that these are just guidelines, and the amount of term life insurance you need will depend on your individual circumstances.


Do Term Life Insurance Agents Make A lot Of Money Off Me?

Life insurance agents can make a significant income, but it depends on a variety of factors such as their level of experience, the size of their client base, and the types of insurance they sell.

Term life insurance agents typically earn commission on the policies they sell. The commission is a percentage of the premium that the policyholder pays. The average commission rate for term life insurance is around 50% of the first year’s premium, but it can vary depending on the company and the policy.

Some agents may have a large client base and sell a high volume of policies, which can lead to a significant income. Other agents may have a smaller client base and sell fewer policies, which can result in a lower income.

It’s important to note that commissions are not the only way for life insurance agents to make money, some agents may also earn a salary, bonuses, or other incentives from their employer.

It’s also important to note that becoming a successful life insurance agent requires a lot of hard work, dedication and knowledge.


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I Heard Infinite Banking Could Help Me Build Real Wealth While Also Serving As Life Insurance…

Infinite banking is a financial strategy that involves using a whole life insurance policy as a personal savings and investment vehicle, rather than just as a way to provide death benefit coverage. It is based on the idea that by using a whole life insurance policy in this way, you can access the cash value of the policy while you’re still alive and use it for various financial goals, such as paying off debt or investing in real estate.

Some people believe that infinite banking is a scam because they believe that the cost of a whole life insurance policy is too high and that the returns on the cash value are not as good as other investment options. The reality is that for you to actually reap the benefits of infinite banking you must be a millionaire or billionaire – of which most individuals are not. The strategy is often promoted by certain insurance agents who are more interested in making a commission than helping the policyholder reach their financial goals.

However, it is important to note that infinite banking is a financial strategy that has its own set of features and benefits and also its own set of drawbacks. It is not a scam but a financial strategy with its own set of pros and cons. It is important for consumers to understand and evaluate the costs, risks and benefits associated with the policy


Do Older People Need Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is typically most beneficial for individuals who are in the prime of their working years and have dependents who rely on their income. As such, term life insurance may not make as much sense for individuals who are nearing retirement age or who no longer have dependents who rely on their income.

Once you reach retirement age, it is likely that you will no longer have dependents who rely on your income and your outstanding debts, such as mortgages, will likely be paid off. Additionally, many people nearing retirement age may have other forms of savings, such as a pension or retirement account, that can provide financial support in the event of their death.


However, it is not a strict rule and it depends on the specific circumstances of the individual. Some people may find that they still need coverage to cover final expenses, or to pay off a mortgage, even in their later years.

It’s important to consider your own needs and the needs of your dependents when deciding whether to continue with term life insurance.

Wrapping Up…

It is important to recognize that everyone will have different levels of insurance they need for their financial situation. One individual may need $150,000 in coverage over 5 years and another may need $1 million over 10 years. Make sure you are thoughtful on how much your surviving partner and children may need to survive without your income source(s). In addition, consider what would happen should both spouses pass away simultaneously. Would there be enough income to support the children for a long period of time without parents in the picture?


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