Maximizing Returns: Long-Term Investing’s Advantage over Active Trading


When I learned who the best investors were, according to Fidelity, I was shocked. My guess is that you’ll feel the same way. Would it shock you to find out that if you want to be an above average investor, it pays to play dead?


Check out these awesome resources…


How to win at investing

1. Focus on long-term fundamentals:


2. Take time and play devils advocate:

Feeling that you need to act on advice immediately is big no-no. The business news is specifically designed to get you excited so that you continue reading, and the more news you consume the more likely confirmation bias and overconfidence will lead you to trade too much. Before making a trade, sleep on your decision for a few days and try to think of the counter-arguments to your investment case. When in doubt, do nothing.


3. Hold on to great businesses


Wrapping Up…

Investing for the long-term is and will be your best investment choice. Whether its guidance from Warren Buffett, an evaluation from Fidelity, or a study from the University of California, all reputable sources point to the buy and hold approach as the best strategy for you to build real, long-term wealth.

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